work style

What is Your Work Style Definition and Importance

“Work style” has become an ambiguous term used by HR managers in all companies. Many companies talk about a “high standard of performance,” but few can point to specific qualities or work methods that define a particular job type. However, most everyone agrees on the essential components. What exactly is a “work style?” A definition and analysis of three key components reveal the answer.

In short: It is the way you do work and the way you prefer to do work.

Your work style depends on your job and your designation

The meaning of “work style” may vary depending on the type of job you are describing. An accountant, for example, would describe their work style as a very organized one. An architect would like to keep things simple. A service manager would like to have more of a hands-on approach to his job.

Accountants or Architects.

Their work style would likely be described in terms of time management. They are both very organized with a high level of control. Accountants spend most of their time working on calculations and making financial reports. They enjoy planning for the future, setting goals, and implementing ways to reach those goals. Most service managers enjoy explaining their work style in terms of creating positive customer experiences.

Both would like to spend more time with customers. The accountants probably enjoy talking with clients, guiding investing, or helping them build a retirement account. Service managers probably enjoy interacting with customers on various projects. The service manager could organize a customer appreciation night, give tips on using new equipment, or take people on a free training session.

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Positive impact on the company.

An employee who would like to change their work style should explain why it is crucial. The reason for the change should be able to impact the company’s bottom line positively. One example of how you would like to change your work style will be if you don’t feel as engaged with specific activities as before. Describe how you would like to enhance your engagement by having more participation in team-building activities.

Style of a supervisor.

Some individuals need more supervision than others. If you think that you need more supervision, you should describe what this would look like. In addition, you will want to explain why you would prefer supervision and how it will help you do your job better. After explaining what type of supervisor you would like to be, you can move on to the next definition section. This section will provide you with additional information if you want to be a supervisor.
The environment in which you work.

The last part of your work style definition will describe the work environment in which you work. Work environments can vary greatly depending upon what you do. Work environment factors include, but are not limited to, the ratio of supervisors to employees, the number of managers and co-workers, the level of harassment or other issues of concern, the types of relationships and communication available, and so on.

Your Answer.

The answer of “what is your work style?” should be organized so that you can quickly answer this question:

  • Decide what your ideal work style is.
  • Determine what your perfect work environment would be.
  • Create a work schedule that best fits your needs.
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