How Business Management Made Me a Better Person

How Business Management Made Me a Better Person

Life has a way of changing all of us over time, but frequently the change is invisible or subtle.

There’re, however, certain accelerators that can bring around quick and meaningful change in the life of an individual. The decision to become a business manager is one of those accelerators.

The act of creation, of building something from nothing, fundamentally changes those included for good or worse. The relationship between a business and its founders is co-evolutionary.

Everybody in the professional domain knows the importance of a manager in business as managers bring order among different crowds, another role of management skills is how it can aid you in the personal life and how you will engage with others.

Actually, the decision to do business management has made me a better person.

hard worker

Work Ethic

To make it anywhere as a business person, you are going to need a certain level of work ethic. Work ethic is a term that means several things to different people. At the most basic, it involves a person’s sense of integrity, level of responsibility, and emphasis on quality work.

Business management has given me this work ethic in a perfect way.


To be really outstanding in your role, you’ve passion. You can see your position within the bigger whole of the corporate structure. You can align with your company’s mission and actually take it to heart.

Passion means you are excited to go to work because you really believe in what you’re doing. 

And believe me, people prefer doing business with passionate people, adding to my overall success.

Business management has made me passionate.

business strategy


AMC broadcasts a TV series known as The Walking Dead, this can need no introduction for most but for those who do not know the show, a lead character is a man called Rick Grimes, which is played by Andrew Lincoln.

This character is fictitious but still, it has a skill that the best manager must possess – a vision, communicating that vision, and seeing it to the end.

The plot is centered on the Zombie apocalypse and in season three of the series, his team of survivors sees a prison, and though the rest are content for being on their merry way, Rick convinces the team for stay, and he convinces them of ridding the prison from the zombies and then, they turned the prison into a habitable and safe haven. Whether you believe in Zombies or not, you can’t doubt that having a vision and getting your team to not see it but believe in it being a reality is the type of cloth true leadership is cut from. Business management has made me more visionary.

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The businesses that do the great are those that take antiquated processes and devise new, innovative methods to get things done.

A business person can think outside the box to find out solutions that can make operations successful.


Not just your coworkers depend on you, but the clients also rely on you as well. If you’re not reliable, your business reputation can get tarnished.

You need to get reliable by practicing punctuality, present at meetings, and successfully task-mastering all assignments you have.

Business management has made me dependable.



Business management has made me motivated.

There is nothing wrong with staying in one position for the majority of your life, but if you need to be incredibly successful, you will have to have motivation. It is key for upward mobility as well as expansion.

Additionally, if you’re unmotivated, probably your team will be as well.  Any manager who wishes to be best than ordinary knows that a chain is as strong as its weakest link.

Being able to motivate workers and get them as amped about the project as you’re, is a rare gift. Good management isn’t about throwing your weight about trying to show who’s boss, buts it is about being of service.

One such person is Martin Luther King Jr. which was an activist of the civil rights movement in the USA and it all started with a dream, a dream where everybody will be treated equally despite their race, and that motivated thousands for joining the movement and fight for racial equality.

Moral of the story, the majority of people prefer being around those who have a positive outlook in life and that’s what sets leaders apart.


Business is a “dog eat dog world” sometimes.

There will be mistakes here and there, but avoiding them isn’t what is important. This is key that how you can bounce back after making a mistake. Your recovery from failure tells a lot around your tenacity as a business person. 

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Look for each lesson you can discover when something goes wrong, learn from it, and move on.

Business management has made me resilient.

business goals


Strive for being a business person that others respect and are inspired by.

You will encourage confidence in your team and the overall mission of your company. Be a role model for new business people.

A person who might be looked up to by others for a track record of integrity and hard work.

Business management has inspired me in several ways. When it comes to business, it takes a diverse team of talented people that believe in you and can work together collectively to make a company run successfully.

You cannot have some of these characteristics listed above. You can excel at others not listed here. The point is, discover your strong suits and apply them to the business arena.

Give everything you have got and strive for instilling these traits in yourself.

public speaking

Great communication skills

Every manager is a communicator. Efficient communication is critical to those you manage to understand the instructions given. Further than that, you should be able to speak publicly in an irreproachable manner.

This thing ties up with motivation, skills, and sharing visions. Speaking to massive crowds to make them understand your point, is the best self-esteem booster, you’ll find yourself mentally stimulated and it forces you to become a person with valuable insights and opinions to share with others.

I have got the best communication skills through business management.


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